Fans weren’t expecting much from this year’s iPhone upgrade. We wanted something big — something that could reverse falling demand for Apple’s biggest product lineup — but we feared we weren’t going to get it.
What we got was the iPhone 7. It looks just like iPhone 6s (and iPhone 6), but Apple promises it’s a different beast. It’s faster, more exciting, and more capable than its predecessors — and it comes in new colors.
I’ve been using iPhone 7 since it went on sale last week, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with my experience so far. It’s definitely not the massive disappointment some people anticipated, but is it worth the upgrade if you already have a recent model? Read Cult of Mac’s iPhone 7 review to find out.
iPhone 7 review: All about the upgrades
For me, iPhone 7 had big shoes to fill. It didn’t just need to be better than the iPhone 6s I have been using for the majority of the past year. It also had to compete with the superb Galaxy Note 7 I’ve been using for the past month (minus a few days when it had to be replaced by Samsung).
Before the iPhone 7 turned up at my door last Friday, I was skeptical it could fill those shoes. The improvements Apple made this year sounded pleasant enough, but I still thought the upgrades fell short. I wanted a sharper display, wireless charging, and other features offered by Android rivals.
But once I started using the iPhone 7, I quickly forgot it lacked all that and started to appreciate what its finer points. In fact, I fell in love with the iPhone all over again.
Don’t be fooled by familiar design
The iPhone 7 might look familiar, but a lot has changed. It’s prettier thanks to those redesigned antenna bands (and if you choose the matte black or jet black models, the ugly but functional design element is even more difficult to spot). I’ve been using the matte black model and I love it.
Photos don’t do the black iPhone 7 justice; it’s much prettier in the hand. The finish isn’t as light as it looks in images; it’s actually a lot darker, like the slate finish Apple gave us with the iPhone 5. But unlike the slate, the new black model is anodized, so you don’t have to worry about it chipping.
Apple has taken away the ring that surrounded its iSight camera on iPhone 6s. The hump is still there, but the iPhone’s aluminum unibody encases the camera lens now for a more seamless look. Alongside it sits a new True Tone flash with quad LEDs — twice as many as before.
Apple has also taken away the headphone jack (as you’ve probably heard), which I’ll talk about more later. In exchange, we have a larger Taptic Engine for greater feedback, an additional speaker (iPhone 7 has stereo sound!), and a slightly bigger battery.
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